Creating a


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Sustainability is at the core of what we do. Not only do our products and services facilitate change towards a more sustainable future, but within our company, we strive to reduce operational pollution and environmental impact every day.

Our mission is to create positive change for future generations.

At Ouman, we recognize our responsibility to the planet and to the communities around us.

To be successful, we must deliver long-term, sustainable results, which in turn increases our competitiveness. We use the sustainability perspectives of environment, social, and governance, “ESG” in short.


Ouman prioritizes customer satisfaction, compliance with all regulations, continuous improvement and the promotion of sustainable and safe work practices. We think and act with a life cycle perspective in mind and set standards for our products and services to promote a circular economy. Our managers and employees receive relevant training to uphold a culture of quality and minimize our environmental footprint. Through sustainable practices and ongoing evaluation, we aim to contribute to a responsible and sustainable future. In our day-today actions this is implemented through making environmentally friendly purchases and reducing the CO2 emissions across all possible areas, including business travel, employee commuting and the consumption of resources such as heating, electricity, water consumption in our premises.

We empower our customers to optimize energy usage and reduce their carbon footprint. Learn more about how our products and services contribute to reducing environmental impact.

Our overall environmental goal is to contribute to reduced environmental impact in line with the Paris Agreement. We aim to have zero net emissions by 2050 and we target to reduce co2 emissions by 50 % related to our operations by 2030.


Energy Mix.

The use of fossil fuels must be reduced. Our goal is to reduce fossil fuel use towards 0 %.


Energy Consumption.

We must constantly challenge ourselves to become more energy efficient. Our target is an annual reduction of at least 5 %, relative to net sales.


CO2 Emissions.

We must contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Our target is to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 7 % relative to net sales, which is necessary if we are to achieve a 50 % reduction by 2030. (These include the company’s own direct and indirect energy consumption, including the full lifecycle effect of our products.)

Commitment to Ethical Practices and Transparency.

Ouman Group ensures a secure, transparent environment with robust codes of conduct and whistleblower functions to uphold integrity and accountability.

Whistleblower Function

It is important to Ouman and our owner company Ernströmgruppen that all our employees work in a safe, secure, fair and transparent environment. We therefore encourage employees, customers, suppliers, business partners and other stakeholders to report suspected service errors and / or suspected incorrect events to our whistleblower function.

Together with Whistleblowing Solutions AB, our owner Ernströmgruppen has implemented a whistleblower function at, where anonymous whistleblower reports can be submitted. At whistlelink you will find all relevant information on how to report an incident and how the case will be handled. It is up to you how much information you want to provide, and you are guaranteed anonymity throughout the process. All incoming cases are handled immediately by the company Whistleblowing Solutions, which acts as an external recipient for Ernströmgruppen’s whistleblower function.

Code of Conduct.

We implement and follow our owner Ernströmgruppen’s Code of Conduct.  The Code of Conduct is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact and is reviewed annually.

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